Sunday, April 22, 2018

An Angel Came to Joseph Smith

April is "choose your own song" month for Primary.  I chose "An Angel Came to Joseph Smith."  I taught the children some rhythm clapping since this song switches from 3/4 to 2/4 twice in each verse.  Once we got the rhythm down, the song came pretty quickly.  I also had them sing "The Golden Plates" which goes right along with this song and helps the children really understand that the golden plates are the Book of Mormon (see my handout for The Golden Plates).

You can find my flipchart here:  An Angel Came to Joseph Smith

My Mother Dear

A sweet little song for Mother's Day - "My Mother Dear" is pretty quick for primary children to learn.  Be sure to teach them that in this song "bright" means smart (not bright like the sun), mothers have to know and do a lot to raise their children.

This flipchart has pictures for the little ones and words for readers and teachers and any children who come the day of performance who haven't been to church to learn it.  I first used just the pictures (printed bigger and separately) placed around the room and had the kids find the pictures while listening to the song and figure out the order of the pictures. You may be able to sing through it a few times while they work this out.  Then I use the chart to practice once or twice a week until we sing it in Sacrament Meeting on Mother's Day.

You can find my flipchart here (although no flipping is required)My Mother Dear